Course Descriptions
EMS 250 - 12-Lead EKG Interpretation in the Emergency Setting
1 Credit
Designed for the advanced pre-hospital EMS provider and other health professionals involved in treating cardiac patients in the emergency setting. Upon completion, students will be able to read and classify 12-lead EKGs. Topics include cardiac anatomy review, electrical physiology, axis determination, bundle branch and hemiblocks, 12-lead abnormalities, correlation between EKG changes and location of cardiac damage, and unique cardiac phenomenon. This course focuses strongly in Office and Emergency Settings to make triage and treatment decisions.
Prerequisites: EMS 236 and PST 252.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify two clinical situations in which 12 lead interpretation can be applied.
2. Correctly define the terminology and equipment used in EKG interpretation.
3. Correctly label the basic anatomy of the heart.
4. Systematically analyze each of the components of cardiac electrophysiology.
5. Define three types of cardiac physiology.
6. Identify EKG changes consistent with chamber enlargement.
7. Describe the significance of three ST/T wave abnormalities.
8. Differentiate between significant and insignificant Q waves.
9. Identify the area of myocardial injury based on EKG changes.
10. Differentiate between transmural and non-transmural infarction.
11. Identify one clinical application for each of three advanced monitoring leads: MCL1, S5, and esophageal.
12. Differentiate between aberrant and non-aberrant wide complex beats.
13. Identify hidden AV blocks,
14. Identify accessory pathways.
15. Describe the significance and EKG characteristics of "Prinzmetal's Angina. "
16. Identify four changes characteristic of Pulmonary Disease.
17. Identify fascicular blocks.
18. Describe how Laddergrams assist the rhythm interpretation.
19. Differentiate between ventricular tachycardias and supraventricular tachycardias.
20. Identify three common causes of EKG alteration.
21. Correctly identify 12 lead EKGs as showing infarction or not.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025