Course Descriptions
HIM 213 - Health Information Systems
3 Credits
An introduction to health record applications, system design and security, and the health information manager's roles and responsibilities.
Prerequisite(s): HIM 205, HIM 208 each with a minimum grade of C.
MCC General Education: MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply health data content and standards.
2. Apply health information protection standards.
3. Explain how metrics, such as healthcare informatics, data, or analytics, are used in the healthcare delivery system.
4. Evaluate healthcare organization compliance with health information-related external parties.
5. Demonstrate appropriate use of enterprise-wide information assets related to quality, performance, or strategic management in healthcare systems.
6. Summarize health information governance initiatives.
7. Apply HIM prerequisite knowledge (computer concepts and applications).
Course Offered Spring
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025