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Course Descriptions

ART 204 - Drawing II

3 Credits

This course expands upon the basic skills developed in ART 104. The student will be provided with advanced drawing problems related to creative and expressive image making. Various approaches to methods, materials, subject and content will be explored as a way to continue to develop the student’s conceptual and perceptual abilities. Students are responsible for purchasing their own materials for this course.

Prerequisite: ART 104

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an expanded proficiency with basic observational drawing skills such as composition, perspective, shading, and mark making through extended practice in the medium.
2. Utilize an expanded range of drawing media and techniques.
3. Demonstrate personal creative approaches to image making and visual problem solving through the development of a variety of forms of visual expression.
4. Refine approaches to the analysis and evaluation of one’s own work and the work of others through verbal dialog and written interpretation
5. Demonstrate, through the successful completion of drawings, an understanding of the relationship between subject matter, content, and the formal elements/principles of design.
6. Demonstrate an awareness of historical precedents and contemporary trends through individual research and the critical analysis of artwork.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025