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Course Descriptions

ATP 139 - Applied Automotive Techniques

2 Credits

This is a performance based hands on course designed for individuals interested in developing entry level skills that will help them gain employment in the automotive industry. Demonstrations and hands on LAB activities provide practical experience of service tasks related to automotive systems. Students must provide their own tools. It is required that students have completed ATP 100 plus ATP 151, or ATP 101.

Prerequisite: Permission of the department

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate proper use of tools and equipment in relation to course subject matter.
2. Read and interpret Service Information Systems.
3. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills in a written and verbal context.
4. Demonstrate activities in published procedures related to course content.
5. Solve automotive related math problems.
6. Perform to industry standards in a working environment.

Course Offered Summer

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025